
Thursday, September 22, 2005


listening to the alanis' album now, and the song im listening now is forgiven.

so it shall be the title.

prelims just ended yesterday.


i think i screwed up really badly, dont think i'll do well, cause deep down inside i know i didnt study as hard as i really ought to. i didnt even put in my best to prepare for it. maybe it's fate. something's telling me that i need to fall down really hard for the panic and desperation to sink into my impenetrable brain. we all have our desperate moments, when will that moment come?

i should really prepare myself for the day my results come out, to feel that same sadness and maybe a little regret for not doing well. forgive me. at this moment, i really need something to cling to, something called hope. hope i can find the frame of mind to study hard for the next six weeks in order to do really well.

i have been running so hard for the past two years, i dont want to fall down at the last 100 metres. wonder if i'll ever forgive myself if i fall. dont think i'll ever.

on a lighter note, went out for lunch with sk, sewei, bt, inami, reina, ngiam and joe yesterday. joe the man whom i haven seen in ages! poor man is working at D & G as a sales assistant, wearing the skinny white tee, looking as gay as ever. he needs a suntan! good to meet up with some old friends, miss all those crazy moments.

after lunch we went aimless-walking, no activities to cater to so many people. after walking in kino for endless minutes, the girls decided to abandon the guys to go shopping. feel quite bad to ditch the guys, but somehow they never understand the beauty of shopping. all the window shopping and looking at clothes.

they. dont. get. it.

so too bad, i dont care, walked for many hours and went home at 6 plus. day well spent, good exercise walking. too bad i didnt get to spend any money. wasted.


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