
Saturday, August 20, 2005


went for guitar/pac practice today, dont know why.

i'll be performing at the bloody pac this friday and saturday for the opening of the performing arts centre which finally finished building. i have to say, whoever who's been into the sji's centre, u'll see a very good resemblance, besides the obvious difference in colour. its quite sad, everything just looks the same. cant they have some creativity, innovation and all of those shit to build something that looks nice more special. plus, what a lousy time to open the pac, right before prelims where everyone's mind is on the As, they have to spring up this performance to 'showcase the talents'. oh well, nvm, what's done is done. total waste of time.

oh well, tickets go on sale on monday, for a measly 2 dollars. support the people performing but dont expect too much from them, my bet is it will suck, too little time to practice anything.


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