
Thursday, August 11, 2005


had some bad chest pain and difficulty breathing yesterday, so i went to see the doc to find out why, and to get some medication.

he says im probably stressed. hmm..

good news is i got an mc, and some really good medicine that made me sleep like a baby till like 10am this morning. its some medicine to make me relax. so here i am relaxing at home instead of going to school.. haha.. bad news: i still have 2 hist essays to complete, so how am i supposed to relax??!! school sucks, burn the school down. haha..

anyways, i managed to finish the 6th harry potter book! yay! not as thick as atlas shrugged but nevertheless, still really long. the thing abt this book is its super draggy with too much development and so little action. looks like jk rowling is losing her touch, the story wasnt even exciting at all.


another sad thing is i think we're not gonna get a maid anymore. my horrible maid who's supposed to come screwed us upside down, made empty promises, so now we're maidless. superwoman mummy wants to do it herself. cook, clean, mop, iron, wash clothes, all by herself, (with the exploitation of us, kids). what rubbish. have too much hw and exams coming up still need to be part-time maid. i demand a raise in allowance.

reina im sorry for laughing at u for being the maid, i take back everything i said. im going to be a maid too! one two three four, hi five! :(


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