
Saturday, August 27, 2005


two more weeks to prelims. i need to study really hard in order to get into a local university. how now brown cow?

throughout this course of life, people often wonder why they study so hard, their reason behind this motivation, especially in singapore where the pressure is enormous. why am i studying so hard for?

do we have our lives mapped out for us, this path of getting through primary school, secondary, pre-university, then a degree? we are often pushed in this direction, with the promise of success and a happy life through endless years of endeavour. are our minds already made up for us? are we swimming in a pool of delusion? why are we working so hard for? are we truely happy?

in this juncture, it is important to know what you really want, work for it, then take that plunge. dont float around in mid air, go with the wind and pray that it will lead you to a safe direction.

burst this bubble, i think i'm still floating.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

the scientist

nobody said it was easy,
it's such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was easy,
no-one ever said it would be this hard
oh take me back to the start

~coldplay, the scientist

missing you everyday.


went for guitar/pac practice today, dont know why.

i'll be performing at the bloody pac this friday and saturday for the opening of the performing arts centre which finally finished building. i have to say, whoever who's been into the sji's centre, u'll see a very good resemblance, besides the obvious difference in colour. its quite sad, everything just looks the same. cant they have some creativity, innovation and all of those shit to build something that looks nice more special. plus, what a lousy time to open the pac, right before prelims where everyone's mind is on the As, they have to spring up this performance to 'showcase the talents'. oh well, nvm, what's done is done. total waste of time.

oh well, tickets go on sale on monday, for a measly 2 dollars. support the people performing but dont expect too much from them, my bet is it will suck, too little time to practice anything.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


i'm going to boycott the horrible western stall forever.

thanks to sk, i ate the food there before going for narindar's history lecture. during the lecture, while listening to narindar's drone about the collapse of soviet communism, i had the worst sharp pain in my stomach. it was like ten thousand sirens screaming "go to the toilet, shit wants to come out desperately", every few minutes. after 20mins, the pain got too much to bear, so i finally went to the toilet to shit it all out. phew..

unfortunately, the worst was not over. on the way home, It came back- the shit monster.

i had to rush to the toilet to finish off all the remains of my western best food. after some very quick plops, i was done. i killed the shit monster. buried him in the sewage system. some many many feet deep down in the sewage system, ready to be transported to the new water plant for some bottled water. what a way to end the school day!

never eat from the western stall at 3.30pm.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


had some bad chest pain and difficulty breathing yesterday, so i went to see the doc to find out why, and to get some medication.

he says im probably stressed. hmm..

good news is i got an mc, and some really good medicine that made me sleep like a baby till like 10am this morning. its some medicine to make me relax. so here i am relaxing at home instead of going to school.. haha.. bad news: i still have 2 hist essays to complete, so how am i supposed to relax??!! school sucks, burn the school down. haha..

anyways, i managed to finish the 6th harry potter book! yay! not as thick as atlas shrugged but nevertheless, still really long. the thing abt this book is its super draggy with too much development and so little action. looks like jk rowling is losing her touch, the story wasnt even exciting at all.


another sad thing is i think we're not gonna get a maid anymore. my horrible maid who's supposed to come screwed us upside down, made empty promises, so now we're maidless. superwoman mummy wants to do it herself. cook, clean, mop, iron, wash clothes, all by herself, (with the exploitation of us, kids). what rubbish. have too much hw and exams coming up still need to be part-time maid. i demand a raise in allowance.

reina im sorry for laughing at u for being the maid, i take back everything i said. im going to be a maid too! one two three four, hi five! :(

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

singapore's day

the national day songs are getting worse and worse every year.

Let’s reach out for the skies
With wings we soar up high
Our dreams we’ll all achieve
We’ll make our destiny
Let’s reach out for the skies
With wings we soar up high
Our dreams we’ll all achieve
Let’s soar and reach for the skies

can the lyrics go any worse than this? our dreams we'll all achieve? i mean who are they trying to con? the only people who actually believe it are probably primary 1 kids and taufik fans.

quite glad the day has finally arrived, now they will stop the incessant playing of the song over the radio, it gives me a bloody headache listening to it :(

happy national day everyone, lets all soar and reach for the skies! (try taking an aeroplane!)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

the oompa-loompas

watched charlie and the chocolate factory yesterday with reina after econs mock. since it was a friday evening, we didnt get good seats. actually we had really bad seats, the wonderful front row seats where u have the privilege of craining your neck to look at the gigantic screen. we had the best view of charlie, right smack in the middle in front!

anyways, the show was so funny! the best part was the oompa-loompas who sang all the songs and danced along to it everytime one of the naughty kids do something bad and get into trouble! (oompa-loompas are identical-looking and really tiny. they're the workers in the factory.) credit goes to danny elfman who composed all the music and tim burton who directed it! thanks for the good laugh!

go watched the show, read the book, and check out the webbie for cool stuff!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

its not a sin to be happy

wing: Something Reina said sometime back has made me think. People only blog when they are upset or bored. They almost never blog when they are happy.

ive decided to write about something that im happy about- the aftermath of ptm.

after the very short ptm, my dad said this, "we're proud of you."

its the first time he has every said anything like that, and it makes me really really happy to know that he really means it. nothing brings you more joy than to know that all that you've worked for over the past month is recognised by the ones whom you love most. they acknowledged that i've done my best.

its not as if im being boastful or anything, but im happy because a little of my effort has paid off. i've finally passed my midyears! every single subject, even gp and history! its a far cry from my secondary years where i didnt give a hoot about studying and still had this crazy notion that i would do miraculously well for the o levels.

i didnt.

in it lies a huge amount of regret. its the worst feeling in the world, and i dont want to ever feel it again.

thus, im happy that i've finally worked hard. hours of sitting down to study in the library, sometimes freezing there, some effort has paid off. thanks wing, reina and geri who studied with me during the june hols!